Schema Documentation - DIAGRAM Description Profile
version 1.0

The hpart element

On this page:

The hpart element represents a segment of a structural heading.

The hpart element is typically used to separate numeric identifiers from headings or to separate segments of headings broken onto separate lines.

Usage Example

    <hpart role="fulltitle">On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection</hpart> or
    <hpart role="subtitle">the Preservation of Favoured races in the struggle for life</hpart>.

Allowed parents


Allowed children

This element may contain text.

This element may contain the following children: abbr, annoref, ssml:break, char, code, d, definition, emph (text variant), emph (phrase variant), expansion, rend:linebreak, ln, m:math, name, note, noteref, num, object (text variant), object (phrase variant), pagebreak, ssml:phoneme (text variant), ssml:phoneme (phrase variant), ssml:prosody (text variant), ssml:prosody (phrase variant), ref, its:ruby, s, ssml:say-as (text variant), ssml:say-as (phrase variant), span (phrase variant), span (text variant), sub, ssml:sub (text variant), ssml:sub (phrase variant), sup, term, time, ssml:token (text variant), ssml:token (phrase variant) and w

Content model and additional requirements

optionally the following 2 co-ocurring attributes: @ssml:alphabet and @ssml:ph
Note that in addition to restrictions presented in the content model above, use of this element must also respect the following requirement:
  • The hpart element must neither be empty nor contain only whitespace.
Such requirements take precedence over any conflicting statements in the content model or in the lists above of allowed children and parents.
