Schema Documentation - DIAGRAM Description Profile
version 1.0

The name element

On this page:

The name element represents particular instances of names, places and things (proper nouns).

The role attribute optionally expresses the semantic nature of the proper noun. No implicit value is associated with the name element.

Usage Example

AFTER having been twice driven back by heavy south-western gales, Her Majesty's ship <name>Beagle</name>, 
a ten-gun brig, under the command of
<name role="personal-name"><span role="name-title">Captain</span> <span role="family-name">Fitz Roy</span></name> …

Allowed parents

annoref, annotation (block variant), annotation (phrase variant), m:annotation-xml, aside, block, caption, citation (block variant), citation (phrase variant), d, definition, description (block variant), description (phrase variant), emph, expansion, h, hd, hpart, item, ln, d:longdesc, meta, note (block variant), note (phrase variant), noteref, object (block variant), object (phrase variant), p, ssml:phoneme, ssml:prosody, quote (block variant), quote (phrase variant), its:rb, ref, its:rt, s, ssml:say-as (phrase variant), ssml:say-as (text variant), d:simplifiedLanguageDescription, span, ssml:sub, d:summary, td, term, th and d:tour

Allowed children

This element may contain text.

This element may contain the following children: abbr, ssml:break, char, emph, object, ssml:phoneme, ssml:prosody, its:ruby, ssml:say-as, span, sub, ssml:sub, sup and ssml:token

Content model and additional requirements

optionally the following 2 co-ocurring attributes: @ssml:alphabet and @ssml:ph
one or more of
a choice of
or text
end of choice
Note that in addition to restrictions presented in the content model above, use of this element must also respect the following requirement:
  • The name element must neither be empty nor contain only whitespace.
Such requirements take precedence over any conflicting statements in the content model or in the lists above of allowed children and parents.


Usage Details

Personal name markup

In order to specify that a name represents a personal name, the personal-name property from the Z39.98 Structural Semantics Vocabulary is used.

The Z39.98 Structural Semantics Vocabulary further contains a set of properties related to name components, supporting the representation of honorary titles, given and family names. The following example shows how to represent three typical components of a personal name:

            <name role="personal-name">                
                <span role="given-name">CHARLES</span>
                <span role="family-name">DARWIN</span>,
                <span role="name-title">ESQ</span>

(Note also that the name components in the Z39.98 Structural Semantics Vocabulary are explicitly equivalent to properties in the FOAF vocabulary.)

Proper noun markup

The name element can be used to represent any proper noun, for example for:

The above example are not meant to present an exhaustive listing of proper nouns, or all available values for specifying. Where a role value is not available and necessary for a document type, the inherent extensibility of the role attribute can be extended to accommodate.