Schema Documentation - DIAGRAM Description Profile
version 1.0

The math element

On this page:

Allowed parents

annoref, annotation (block variant), annotation (phrase variant), m:annotation-xml, aside, block, caption, citation (block variant), citation (phrase variant), d, definition, emph, expansion, h, hd, hpart, item, ln, d:longdesc, meta, note (block variant), note (phrase variant), noteref, p, ssml:phoneme, ssml:prosody, quote (block variant), quote (phrase variant), its:rb, ref, its:rt, s, ssml:say-as (phrase variant), ssml:say-as (text variant), section, d:simplifiedLanguageDescription, span, ssml:sub, d:summary, td, term, th and d:tour

Allowed children

This element must not contain text.

This element may contain the following children: m:maction, m:maligngroup, m:malignmark, m:menclose, m:merror, m:mfenced, m:mfrac, m:mi, m:mlongdiv, m:mmultiscripts, m:mn, m:mo, m:mover, m:mpadded, m:mphantom, m:mroot, m:mrow, m:ms, m:mspace, m:msqrt, m:mstack, m:mstyle, m:msub, m:msubsup, m:msup, m:mtable, m:mtext, m:munder, m:munderover and m:semantics

Content model
