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DAISY 3 Structure Guidelines
Last Revised: June 4, 2008

This section of the Guidelines lists all elements in alphabetical order.

DTBook Elements, in Alphabetical Order

DTBook Attributes, in Alphabetical Order

DTBook Elements, in Alphabetical Order

Element a. <a> contains an anchor, which is used to reference another location, within the same or another <dtbook>. Attuse: a "href" value may have three forms: Uses of the remaining attributes other than %attrs; are: "type" is advisory content MIME type of the target, see [RFC1556]; "hreflang" is the language code of the href target, see [RFC1766]; "rel" is a list of forward link type(s), the relationship(s) expressed by the href value to the target, space-separated if multiple; "rev" is a list of reverse link types, the relationship(s) to this location from the href target, space-separated if multiple; "accesskey"=accessibility key character shortcut; "tabindex"=tabbing order.

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Anchor

Element abbr. <abbr> designates an abbreviation, a shortened form of a word, term or phrase. Examples: WWW, HTTP, URI, Mass., etc. Contrast with <acronym>.

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Abbreviation

Element acronym. <acronym> marks a word formed from key letters (usually initials) of a group of words. Examples: UNESCO, NATO, XML, US. Contrast with <abbr>.

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Acronym

Element address. <address> contains a location at which a person or agency may be contacted. By use of <line> to contain content of the individual lines, the class attribute can be used to identify the content of that <line>. For example, class values might include: name, address, region (state, province, etc.), country, location code (such as zipcode, provincial code), phone, fax, email, etc.

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Address

Element annoref. <annoref> marks a text segment that references an <annotation>. Each <annoref> is usually a word, phrase, or whole line that is part of the surrounding text (identified in the original print book by bolding, italics, etc.). It should not normally be allowed to be turned off in a DTB application. The idref attribute refers to the target id of an <annotation>. Type provides advisory content MIME type of the targeted id, see [RFC1556].

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Note (Footnote, Endnote, Annotation and Rear-Note)

Element annotation. <annotation> is a comment on or explanation of a portion of a printed book. It differs from <note> in that an <annotation> is usually set in the margin or on a facing page, often with no explicit reference to it inserted in the text. Any local reference to <annotation id="xxx"> is by <annoref idref="#xxx">.

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Note (Footnote, Endnote, Annotation and Rear-Note)

Element author. <author> identifies the writer of a work other than the author of the entire dtbook. Contrast with <docauthor>, which identifies the author of the dtbook. <author> typically occurs within <blockquote> or <cite>.

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Author

Element bdo. <bdo> is used in special cases where the automatic actions of the bi-directional algorithm would result in incorrect display.

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: BDO

Element blockquote. <blockquote> indicates a block of quoted content that is set off from the surrounding text by paragraph breaks. Compare with the inline element <q>, which marks short, inline quotations.

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Quotation

Element bodymatter. <bodymatter> consists of the text proper of a book, as contrasted with preliminary material <frontmatter> or supplementary information in <rearmatter>.

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Body Matter

Element book. <book> surrounds the actual content of the document, which is divided into <frontmatter>, <bodymatter>, and <rearmatter>. <head>, which contains metadata, precedes <book>.

Structure Guidelines: Book

Element br. A line break. Primarily visual presentation

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Line Break

Element bridgehead. <bridgehead> is a free-floating heading that is not associated with the hierarchical structure of a document. It may only occur within one of the hierarchic elements. <bridgehead> should be used only when it is clear that none of the structural headings is appropriate. See also <hd>.

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Bridgehead

Element byline. <byline> contains information about the creator of, or contributor to, a work.

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Byline

Element caption. <caption> describes a <table>, or <imggroup>. If used with <table> it must follow immediately after the <table> start tag. If used with <imggroup> it is not so constrained.

Structure Guidelines:
Captions with Images
Captions with Tables

Element cite. Inline. <cite> marks a reference (or citation) to another document.

Structure Guidelines:
Information Object: Bibliography
Information Object: Author

Element code. Inline element. <code> designates a fragment of program code. The xml:space attribute value "default" signals that applications' default white-space processing modes are acceptable for this element; the value "preserve" indicates the intent that applications preserve all the white space. This declared intent is considered to apply to all elements within the content of the element where it is specified, unless overriden with another instance of the xml:space attribute.

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Computer Code

Element col. <col> elements define the alignment properties for cells in one or more columns.

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Tables

Element colgroup. <colgroup> groups adjacent columns <col> that are semantically related.

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Tables

Element covertitle. <covertitle> is the short title of a book, often found on the spine. It may be the same as the doctitle. When a book contains a title that is abbreviated on the cover, with the full title presented on the title page, <covertitle> should be used to mark up the abbreviated title, and <doctitle> to mark up the full title as shown on the title page.

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Covertitle

Element dateline. <dateline> contains information about the time and/or place at which a work was authored.

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Dateline

Element dd. <dd> marks a definition in a definition list <dl>. The term is given by the dt element and the description is given with a dd element.

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Lists

Element dfn. <dfn> marks the first occurrence of a word or term that is defined or explained there or elsewhere in <book>. Often <dfn> is rendered in italics, sometimes in parentheses.

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Defining Instance

Element div. <div> is a generic container for subdivisions of a book. <div> is used in less formal circumstances or when, for production purposes, it is desired that a structure should be treated differently.

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Divisions

Element dl. <dl> contains a definition list, consisting of pairs of terms <dt> and definitions <dd>. The term is given by the dt element and the description is given with a dd element

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Lists

Element docauthor. <docauthor> marks each author or editor of this work. Compare with <author>, used to mark the author of another work.

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Docauthor

Element doctitle. <doctitle> marks the full title of the book, including any subtitles. Doctitle should be the first element inside the front matter and can be used to quickly identify the book. It thus serves the same function as does the title printed on the cover of the print book and should contain the same information. Contrast with covertitle.

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Doctitle

Element dt. <dt> marks a term in a definition list <dl> for which a definition <dd> follows. The term is given by the dt element and the description is given with a dd element

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Lists

Element dtbook. <dtbook> is the root element in the Digital Talking Book. <dtbook> contains <head> and the contents itself in <book>.

Structure Guidelines: Required Tags    Division

Element em. <em> indicates emphasis. Usually <em> is rendered in italics. Compare with <strong>.

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Emphasis

Element epigraph. <epigraph> marks a quotation placed at the beginning of a work or a division of a work setting forth a theme.

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Epigraph

Element frontmatter. <frontmatter> must contain <doctitle> and may contain <docauthor>, as well as preliminary material that is often enclosed in <level> or <level1>. Content may include a copyright notice, foreword, acknowledgments, table of contents, etc. <frontmatter> serves as a guide to the content and nature of a <book>.

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Front matter

Element h1. contains the text of the heading.

Structure Guidelines:
Information Object: Part 1
Information Object: Part 2

Element h2. contains the text of the heading.

Structure Guidelines:
Information Object: Part 1
Information Object: Part 2

Element h3. contains the text of the heading.

Structure Guidelines:
Information Object: Part 1
Information Object: Part 2

Element h4. contains the text of the heading.

Structure Guidelines:
Information Object: Part 1
Information Object: Part 2

Element h5. contains the text of the heading.

Structure Guidelines:
Information Object: Part 1
Information Object: Part 2

Element h6. contains the text of the heading.

Structure Guidelines:
Information Object: Part 1
Information Object: Part 2

Element hd. <hd> marks the text of a heading in <level>, <poem>, <list>, <linegroup>, or <sidebar>.

Structure Guidelines: Alternative Levels of Markup

Structure Guidelines:
Required Tags
Minimum Tag Sets

Element img. <img> marks a visual image. An <img> will always contain an alt attribute and generally contain a longdesc attribute.

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Images

Element imggroup. <imggroup> provides a container for one or more <img> elements and associated <caption>(s) and <prodnote>(s). A <prodnote> may contain a description of the image.

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Images

Element kbd. Inline. <kbd> designates information that the reader is to input directly into a computer using the keyboard.

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Keyboard Input

Element level. <level> is a major division of a publication. The class attribute identifies the actual name (e.g., part, chapter etc.) of the structure it marks. Level is the recursive alternative for structures, as opposed to the nested levelX (where X is 1..6)

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Levels

Element level1. level is a major division of a publication. The class attribute identifies the actual name (e.g., part, chapter etc.) of the structure it marks.

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Levels

Element level2. level is a major division of a publication. The class attribute identifies the actual name (e.g., part, chapter etc.) of the structure it marks.

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Levels

Element level3. level is a major division of a publication. The class attribute identifies the actual name (e.g., part, chapter etc.) of the structure it marks.

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Levels

Element level4. level is a major division of a publication. The class attribute identifies the actual name (e.g., part, chapter etc.) of the structure it marks.

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Levels

Element level5. level is a major division of a publication. The class attribute identifies the actual name (e.g., part, chapter etc.) of the structure it marks.

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Levels

Element level6. level is a major division of a publication. The class attribute identifies the actual name (e.g., part, chapter etc.) of the structure it marks.

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Levels

Element li. <li> marks each list item in a <list>. <li> content is inline and may include other nested lists. Alternatively it may contain a sequence of list item components, <lic>, that identify regularly occurring content, such as the heading and page number of each entry in a table of contents.

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Lists

Element lic. <lic> ("list item component") allows ordered substructure within a list item <li>. Used when a list item is made up of two or more components, as in a table of contents entry. The same number of <lic> should occur in each <li>. If not, correspondence of <lic> in different <li> is in order of occurrence for the current writing direction of the <li>.

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Lists

Element line. <line> marks a single logical line of text. Main child element of the linegroup element. May be used in conjunction with <linenum> in documents with numbered lines.

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Linegroup

Element linegroup. <linegroup> provides means to group a set of lines, for example within a <poem>

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Linegroup

Element linenum. <linenum> contains a line number, for example in legal text.

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Line Number

Structure Guidelines: Link

Element list. <list> contains some form of list, ordered, unordered, or preformatted. The list may have a heading <hd> and list items <li> . If bullets and outline enumerations are part of the preformatted print content, they are expected to be part of those list items in content, rather than be implicitly generated.

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Lists

Element meta. <meta> indicates metadata about the book. Meta is the container for the Dublin Core attributes, and the additional DTBook attributes. As a minimum the dc:Title and dtb:uid are required. Encourage inclusion of additional Dublin Core and Dtbook metadata to make the dtbook more useful as stand-alone content.

Structure Guidelines: Meta

Element note. <note> marks a footnote, endnote, etc. Any local reference to <note id="yyy"> is by <noteref idref="#yyy">

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Note

Element noteref. <noteref> marks one or more characters that reference a footnote or endnote <note>. Contrast with <annoref>. <noteref> and <note> are independently skippable.

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Note (Footnote, Endnote, Annotation and Rear-Note)

Element p. <p> contains a paragraph.

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Paragraph

Element pagenum. <pagenum> contains one page number as it appears from the print document, usually inserted at the point within the file immediately preceding the first item of content on a new page.

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Page Number

Element poem. <poem> is a complete <poem> or fragment of a poem.

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Poem

Element prodnote. <prodnote> contains language added to the alternative-format version by the producer

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Producer's Note

Element q. <q> contains a short, inline quotation. Compare with <blockquote>, which marks a block level quotation.

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Quotation

Element rearmatter. <rearmatter> contains supplementary material such as appendices, glossaries, bibliographies, and indices.

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Rear Matter

Element samp. Inline. Designates sample output from programs, scripts or other work.

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Sample

Element sent. <sent> marks a sentence.

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Sentence

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Sidebar

Element span. <span> is a generic container for use in inline settings when no specific tag exists for a given situation. The class attribute may describe the nature of the text it marks (e.g., a typographical error). May be used to mark a class of items to which styles are to be applied. Compare with <div>, which is used in a block settings.

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Span

Element strong. <strong> indicates stronger emphasis than <em>. Usually <strong> is rendered in boldface.

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Strong Emphasis

Element sub. <sub> indicates a subscript character (printed below a character's normal baseline). Can be used recursively and/or intermixed with <sup>.

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Subscript

Element sup. <sup> marks a superscript character (printed above a character's normal baseline). Can be used recursively and/or intermixed with <sub>.

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Superscript

Element table. <table> contains tabular data arranged in rows and columns. A <table> may have a <caption>. It should have descriptions of the columns in <col>s or groupings of several <col>umns in <colgroup>.

A <table> may be made up of just rows <tr> (simple table) or a sequence of optional <thead>, optional <tfoot>, and either <tbody> or just rows <tr>. Note the logical order of <thead>, <tfoot>, then <tbody>|<tr> accommodates simple or large, complex tables. For a multiple-page print <table> the <thead> and <tfoot> are repeated on each page, but not redundantly tagged. Additionally, a long table crossing several pages of the print book should have separate <pagenum> values for each of the pages containing that <table> indicated on the page where it starts.

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Tables

Element tbody. <tbody> marks a group of rows in the main body of a <table>. If the <table> is divided into several sections, each consisting of a number of rows, each section would be separately tagged with <tbody>. The same <thead> and <tfoot> apply to every <tbody> section. Use multiple <tbody> sections when rules are needed between groups of table rows.

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Tables

Element td. <td> indicates a table cell containing data.

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Tables

Element tfoot. <tfoot> marks footer information in a <table>, consisting of one or more rows <tr>, usually of <th> cells. A single <tfoot> element will normally be repeated by the browser or player across page boundaries.

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Tables

Element th. <th> indicates a table cell containing header information.

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Tables

Element thead. <thead> marks header information in a <table>, consisting of one or more rows <tr> of <th> cells. A single <thead> element will normally be repeated by the browser or player across page boundaries.

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Tables

Element title. <title> contains the title of content included, quoted, or referenced in a work, for use in <poem> or <cite> (citation)

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Poem for an example.

Element tr. <tr> marks one row of a <table>

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Tables

Element w. <w> marks a word.

Structure Guidelines: Information Object: Word

DTBook Attributes, in Alphabetical Order

Attribute accesskey. accessibility key character shortcut

Attribute align. Use one of left | center | right | justify | char. Sets the horizontal alignment of content in a table cell

Attribute alt. An <img> will always contain an alt attribute. used to supply a short description of the <img>

Attribute axis. "axis" is used to place cells into conceptual categories in order to provide improved access to information.

Attribute border. provide visual presentation guidance on tables; a border to each cell

Attribute cellpadding. provide visual presentation guidance on tables; whitespace surrounding cells.

Attribute cellspacing. provide visual presentation guidance on tables; whitespace between cells.

Attribute char. char indicates a character expected in each table cell of a column on which the text should align. The default is the decimal point for the language being used.

Attribute charoff. charoff sets the alignment offset of the first character to align on, as specified with char.

Attribute charset. a character encoding, as per [RFC2045]

Attribute cite. "cite" permits inclusion of the URI from which the <blockquote> or <q> (quotation) came.

Attribute class. General fallback semantic provision. class attribute may be used to identify the particular component of a list item <li>; a space separated list of classes used for rendering (% coreattrs); "class" identifies the actual name (e.g., part, chapter, section, subsection) of the structure a <level> marks; can be used to identify the content of that <linenum>; can identify the actual name (e.g., part, chapter, letter) of the structure a <div> marks; The class attribute value can identify the kind of <linegroup>, such as "stanza", "chorus", or "canto"; may describe the nature of the text a <sub> or <sup> marks (e.g., a typographical error)

Attribute colspan. indicates the total number of columns the cell extends, by default "1", in the writing direction of the table. All spanned cells share these attributes.

Attribute content. "content" indicates the value for a <meta> "name" attribute, possibly constrained by the semantics for the individual names.

Attribute depth. indicates the nesting depth of a list, starting at "1".

Attribute dir. "dir" indicates the writing direction: 'ltr' is left-to-right, 'rtl' is right-to-left. Use one of ltr | rtl only.

Attribute enum. "enum" indicates the kind of enumeration required for a list, use one of '1'=integer, 'a'=lowercase, 'A'=uppercase, 'i'=lowercase Roman, or 'I'=uppercase Roman.

Attribute external. "external" An external link (on the <a> element) points to media content that is not part of the DTB. The external media content must be rendered by an external application, whether or not that content is renderable by the DTB player.

Attribute frame. identifies the sides of a <table> that are visually framed. Use one of void | above | below | hsides | lhs | rhs | vsides | box | border

Attribute headers. provides the id value(s), used with <td> cells, to reference one or more cells with <th id="xxx"> that contain headings that collectively describe or qualify the content of the cell, for example <td headers="id1 id2">.

Attribute height. The attributes "height" and "width" (on an <img>) provide visual sizing information, measured in pixels.

Attribute href. a Uniform Resource Identifier, see [RFC2396] specifying the target of an <a> element or <link> element.

Attribute hreflang. the language code of the href target, see [RFC3066]

Attribute http-equiv. "http-equiv" connects the content attribute value of <meta> to an http header field.

Attribute id. a document-wide unique id

Attribute idref. a reference to an ID value within the same document

Attribute imgref. "imgref" value on <caption> (or space-separated id values) identifies the id values of the <img>(s) to which the caption applies. Any internal id reference is preceded by '#id'. Note: imgref is an extension for dtbook.

Attribute lang. On element <bdo> Should be replaced by xml:lang. xhtml recommendation: use xml:lang on the major containing block, to provide source language for the #IMPLIED values of its descendent elements. See [RFC1556].

Attribute lang. use xml:lang on the major containing block, to provide source language for the #IMPLIED values of its descendent elements. See [RFC1556].

Attribute longdesc. generally contains a pointer to a related <prodnote> which contains a detailed description of the <img>.

Attribute media. On element <link>, a single or comma-separated list of media descriptors; possible values include BRAILLE, PRINT, PROJECTION, SPEECH, ALL, or the default SCREEN.

Attribute name. On element <meta>, "name" value identifies the specific kind of content value.

Attribute page. On element <pagenum>, "page" allows three kinds of page numbering schemes to be identified: "front" (usually for pages numbered with roman-numerals, at the start of a book), "normal" (most often for pages numbered with arabic numerals), or "special" (for all other kinds of pages)

Attribute profile. On element <head> "profile" gives one or more whitespace-separated profile URI targets that may provide additional information about the current document.

Attribute pronounce. On <acronym> "pronounce" value 'yes' indicates that the acronym is pronounceable as a word (for example, NATO); 'no' that the acronym is best presented as a sequence of letters (for examples, "XML" or "US").

Attribute rel. On <a>, "rel" is a list of forward link type(s), the relationship(s) expressed by the href value to the target, space-separated if multiple.

Attribute render. "render" on <prodnote> indicates that the content is 'required' or 'optional' for the user. If optional, some user preference may allow skipping over the content. But <prodnote render='required'> is essential content for the user. An audible cue could announce the presence of the <prodnote>. On <sidebar> use render="required" to achieve the explicit admonition such as caution, warning, danger, or hazard, from the text.

Attribute rev. On <a>, "rev" is a list of reverse link types, the relationship(s) to this location from the href target, space-separated if multiple;

Attribute rowspan. indicates the total number of rows over which a table cell extends, by default "1". All spanned cells share these attributes.

Attribute rules. On <table>. identifies where visual rulings appear and provide visual presentation guidance. If no rules value is present then assume: 'none' if border is absent or border='0', otherwise 'all'. Use one of none | groups | rows | cols | all

Attribute scheme. On <meta>. "scheme" indicates a predetermined format for interpreting the content value, such as the Dublin Core.

Attribute scope. specifies a set of data cells in a <table> for which the <th> provides header information

Attribute showin. applies for text elements to permit identification of the kinds of display appropriate for the element, so presentation choice by the reader among alternative readings can be provided, when appropriate. Values of showin are coded with three letters in order: "b"=Braille, "l"=Largeprint, and "p"=Print; or "x"=inappropriate. There is no default value; this attribute value is implied from the most immediate ancestor that specifies a value. The usual default for showin is 'blp'. If only one showin value is needed it should be included with <book>. Different content for the same element (usually <prodnote>) meeting different needs is possible, with showin serving as a switch to differentiate among them. Both largeprint and print are appropriate for screen rendering as well as printing. Different corresponding styles may be appropriate. It is possible to include equivalent content from any major structure below <book> to provide the different content suitable for different media. These would be independent, sharing no direct content, possibly having common references to images, with different accompanying text descriptions. Use one of xxx|xxp|xlx|xlp|bxx|bxp|blx|blp

Attribute smilref. smilref is a pointer to a [SMIL2.0] file, normally to the time container (SMIL <par> or <seq>) containing the media object that references this element. However, in a text-only DTB consisting of a sequence of text media objects, smilref points to the media object that references this element. smilref allows resumption of SMIL presentation at the proper location after navigation via dtbook file. All smilref values are expected to be added to an augmented version of the <dtbook> during production.

Attribute space. "xml:space" with a value of 'preserve' preserves whitespace within an element (except that an XML parser strips leading and trailing whitespace before passing the internal content including its original whitespace to the application.) The value 'default' leaves the whitespace handling to the application.

Attribute span. On <colgroup>. causes the attributes of one col element to apply to more than one column, extending in the writing direction for the language. Span is ignored if any <col> are present.

Attribute src. specifies by URI the location of an image file.

Attribute start. On <list>. "start" value indicates the ordered list integer ordinal, implicitly 1, to denote the first ordered list item. Its value is determined for the indicated enum type.

Attribute style. associated CSS style information.

Attribute summary. provides a textual summary of a <table>

Attribute tabindex. the tabbing order of the element

Attribute title. advisory title or amplification of the element

Attribute type. On <a>, advisory content MIME type of the target, see [RFC1556]

Attribute valign. sets vertical alignment of content in a table cell. Inheritance order for vertical alignment is <th>|<td>, <col>, <colgroup>, <tr>, <thead>|<tfoot>|<tbody>, default. The default value is from the user agent, and may be affected by user preference. The recommended default is middle. Use one of top | middle | bottom | baseline.

Attribute version. "version" is a required attribute on <dtbook>, and contains the specific version of the dtd, so that the dtd or schema version for any dtbook can be recognized.

Attribute width. attributes "height" and "width" (on <img>) provide visual sizing information, measured in pixels.