Schema Documentation - Generic Document Profile
version 1.0

The description element

On this page:

The description element is the root container element for a description. It consists of an optional container element for metadata information (the head ) and a required container for the different description types and alternate image renditions (the body ).

The language of the description can be specified by attaching an xml:lang attribute to the description element. If the description will be made available in a standalone context (i.e., in which its language cannot be inherited from a host content document), the language should always be specified.

The DIAGRAM Description profile provides the ability to compile one or more description elements into a single document for distribution (e.g., to accompany an EPUB).

When storing a description in a standalone context, the Description feature namespace should be declared on the description element using the xmlns namespace association mechanism defined in XMLNAMES . Although not required, the prefix d is recommended.

Usage Example

<d:description xml:lang="en">
        <meta property="dc:identifier" content="water-cycle" />
        <meta property="diagram:targetAge" content="9-12" />
        <meta property="diagram:targetGrade" content="4-7" />

Allowed parents

address, annotation, m:annotation-xml, aside (block variant), aside (toc variant), block, body, caption, entry (bibliography variant), entry (glossary variant), item, d:longdesc, note (block variant), note (phrase variant), sel:otherwise, quote, section, d:simplifiedLanguageDescription, td, th, d:tour and sel:when

Allowed children

This element must not contain text.

This element must contain the following children: d:body

This element may contain the following children: d:head

Content model

optional attributes: @xml:base, @xml:id and @xml:lang
an optional d:head
