Schema Documentation - DIAGRAM Description Profile
version 1.0

The list element

On this page:

The list element represents a simple list of items, either ordered or unordered.

The optional type attribute specifies the HTML-style ordered and unordered nature of the list.

By default, an unordered list is prefixed by bullets and an ordered list by numeric values. To change this behavior, refer to the Content Rendition feature's prefix attributes.

If the type attribute is omitted, then there is no default formatting.

The list element is not intended to structure semantically meaningful sets of entries as found in indexes, bibliographies and glossaries.

Usage Example

<list type="ordered" start="17">
    <item><p>Cytheræa — Closely related to, or identical with C. purpurascens.</p></item>
    <item><p>Modiola — Same as recent kind (nov. spec.) living in the bay.</p></item>
    <item><p>Nucula — Near to N. margaritacea.</p></item>

Allowed parents

annotation, m:annotation-xml, aside, block, caption, description, item, d:longdesc, note (block variant), note (phrase variant), object, quote, section, d:simplifiedLanguageDescription, d:summary, td, th and d:tour

Allowed children

This element must not contain text.

This element must contain the following children: item

This element may contain the following children: pagebreak

Content model

a choice of
either a mix of
an optional @start
an optional @rend:prefix
end of mix
or a mix of
an optional @rend:prefix
end of mix
or no attribute
end of choice
a mix of
one or more of item
zero or more of pagebreak
end of mix
