Schema Documentation - DIAGRAM Description Profile
version 1.0

The head element

On this page:

The description head element contains meta information about the enclosing description element.

The meta information in the description head element should not be treated as document content, but may be used for display and other purposes when rendering descriptions.

Although all metadata is optional, descriptions should, at a minimum, include an identifier, the intended reader age and/or school grade level. See the DIAGRAM Descriptions Vocabulary for a set of predefined RDF properties. Properties from other RDF vocabularies can also be included, provided their prefix is declared.

If age and grade-level metadata is omitted, the containing description should be assumed to be applicable to all readers.

Usage Example

<d:description xml:lang="en">
        <meta property="dc:identifier" content="water-cycle" />
        <meta property="diagram:targetAge" content="9-12" />
        <meta property="diagram:targetGrade" content="4-7" />

Allowed parents


Allowed children

This element must not contain text.

This element must contain the following children: meta

Content model
