Schema Documentation - Book Profile
version 1.0

The tactile element

On this page:

The tactile element contains an alternative tactile image. The element may contain one or more identical images for different production methods (e.g., one for swell paper production and another for stereolithograph printing).

The tactile image may also include an explanatory tour .

This specification does not place any restrictions on the format used to represent the tactile image, but images should be final-form representations for output rendering by end users. The role attribute should be used to differentiate the production use for each image.

Usage Example

<d:tactile xml:id="tactile01">
    <d:about>SVG and VRML printable tactile images.</d:about>
    <object src="" srctype="image/svg+xml" />
        <p>In the upper left corner of the tactile illustration, the mountain covered with ice 
            and snow is represented by…</p>

Allowed parents


Allowed children

This element must not contain text.

This element may contain the following children: d:about, d:braille, object and d:tour

Content model

first an optional d:about
followed by one or more of
any of the 2 elements: d:braille and object
followed by an optional d:tour
