Schema Documentation - Book Profile
version 1.0

The backcover element

On this page:

The backcover element represents all content and images contained on the inside and outside of the back cover.

The back covers typically contain biographical information about contributors, quotes, and a summary or description of the publication.

Usage Example

            <p>One of the most influential books …</p>
        <block role="publisher-address">
            <ln>Alfred Kröner Verlag</ln>
            <ln>Leipzig, Germany</ln>
        <block role="isbn">
            <ln>ISBN-13: 976-000-0000-001</ln>

Allowed parents


Allowed children

This element must not contain text.

This element may contain the following children: address, annotation, aside, block, ssml:break, caption, citation, code, description, d:description, xforms:group, hd, list, m:math, note, object, p, quote, xforms:repeat, sel:select, table, transition and verse

Content model
